

One more super important thing!

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Hey there, Reader!

I hope you will pardon this second intrusion on your inbox.

In my excitement, it seems I jumped the gun in my last email. Also (as a total sidenote), it's actually February now so I can say Happy February for real this time! ;)

Two Super Quick Things:

1) If you didn't happen to read the last email (from Tuesday) you should check it out... it will make this one make a LOT more sense. :)

2) If you are thinking of joining us for Lent this year with Our Lady then there is something very important you will need.


But, not just any Rosary.

If you are Protestant/Non-Denominational Christian you may not own a Rosary at all. If you are Catholic, you may have a bunch of cheap plastic ones floating around or the extremely pretty and popular but very delicate ones with metal links that are always breaking. Please don't use those!

You need a LIFE-PROOF Rosary.

Preferably cord or rope. It can have beads or just knots. When making your choice, consider the fact that this Rosary will be on your person for the entirety of Lent (Preferably on your wrist - Rosaries are not a necklace and in your pocket doesn't feel much like holding Mary's hand, plus, it is easily forgotten when it is unseen) It needs to be able be cleaned easily (wiped with a cloth or waterproof). It should not easily snag on hair or clothing, or be too cold or "clinky" (loud) to sleep with. (Because, yes, we will be sleeping with them! However, they can be temporarily removed for showers and other wet tasks, such as doing dishes and bathing kids).

If at ALL possible, it is best if your Rosary has a St. Benedict medal or St. Benedict Crucifix. If you find one you like that does not have this feature you are welcome to add your own St. Benedict medal to any Rosary of your choosing.

Unfortunately, I do not have an affiliation to any rosary making shops but I can share a few links to good options. (But you are certainly not confined to this list).

Lastly, any Rosary or medal(s) you purchase is not blessed, and this DOES make a difference. As much as we may be told otherwise, modern and traditional blessings are NOT the same. I highly recommend seeking out a Traditional Blessing for your Rosary if at all possible, even if you can't get it before Lent actually begins.

Think of it like this:

  • ACCEPTABLE - Life-Proof Rosary
  • GOOD - Life-Proof Rosary (Standard blessing)
  • BETTER - Life-Proof St. Benedict Rosary (Standard blessing)
  • BEST - Traditionally Blessed, Life-Proof, St. Benedict Rosary

Just in case you have questions: More information on Blessings and Sacramentals

I send this to you now so that you can be fully prepared in case you want to join us starting February 11 for this brand new Lenten opportunity.

If you are all in, and haven't yet done so, click one of the buttons below to download a beautiful phone lockscreen and get added to the list!

I hope you will join us!!! It could be amazing!



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