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May is for Motherhood... 🌷 (and new books!)

Happy May! The month of mothers and flowers and springtime! I hope you are looking forward to it :) For me it has always been a controversial month... the month where I should be joyful but really I'm just stressed out. It's too busy. Too many expectations, too much schoolwork, and muddy laundry, and ticks.... Mother's day should be a day of celebration and gratitude and yet for me it only serves to remind me of all the ways I fall short as a mother. Nobody should have a day that celebrates...

18 days ago • 3 min read
Spring Logo Header

Hello all!!! If you are new around here just wanted to say a special hello and we are glad to have you, Reader! Here at ParticularlyCALLED, we exist to discover our calling... it may surprise some of us to note that this is remarkably simple. Our fundamental calling is a calling to relationship, intimacy, and union with God. Everything we are and everything we do stems from this. That's why here you will find all things intimacy with God along with how that helps us discover our truest and...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hey there, Reader! I hope you will pardon this second intrusion on your inbox. In my excitement, it seems I jumped the gun in my last email. Also (as a total sidenote), it's actually February now so I can say Happy February for real this time! ;) Two Super Quick Things: 1) If you didn't happen to read the last email (from Tuesday) you should check it out... it will make this one make a LOT more sense. :) 2) If you are thinking of joining us for Lent this year with Our Lady then there is...

4 months ago • 2 min read

Happy February, Reader! Sunday we celebrated a special liturgical feast called Septuagesima. This is just a fancy name for the Sunday three Sundays before Ash Wednesday or the 9th Sunday before Easter (Approx 70 days). It originated somewhere around the year 500AD when Lent was seen as a season serious enough to need a period of two and a half weeks in advance to prepare and "ramp up" to a fruitful and truly transformative experience. This year has been fairly "top heavy" with Pre-Lent...

4 months ago • 3 min read

Merry Christmas, Reader! I hope you had a beautiful and holy holiday! I pray the reality of the infant God born in a manger was able to impact you in a deep and lasting way. My friend told me the other day she hoped it was soul-piercingly beautiful and I can't get over how perfect her word choice was. Yes, I hope yours was that... But, maybe you haven't had the time to sit with the mystery of it all long enough to let it sink in that deeply.... well, in that case, I pray you make the time for...

5 months ago • 3 min read

Its that time of year again! As promised, this is your official invite to this year's Advent Retreat, Reader. If you are all in and don't even want to read the rest of this email, simply click the button below. (If this isn't your first retreat, you should be receiving a second email with a discount code within the next hour or so.) Join Now! If you need a little more information, read on! If you didn't join us last year, then now is your opportunity to experience Advent on a whole new level....

6 months ago • 4 min read

Happy October, Reader! What a whirlwind! I hate saying things like that because they are so cliché, but at the same time the days are flying so fast they are making my head spin. All I have to say is that when I am older I won't wonder what I did with my life. lol These precious, fleeting moments with you are truly my favorite. October Reflection How are you using your time in this season? What kind of season are you in right now? And speaking of seasons, What is your favorite season? Mine is...

8 months ago • 2 min read

Hello, Reader! Happy September! I am so excited to announce that I am finally trying to get back into a routine after baby and an upturned summer and the juices are starting to flow again. Its amazing how rusty you can feel after such a short time. I am praying for all of you as we once again brave the rocky terrain of family routine habit building after the summer laxity. You are not alone in this season, my friend... and the discipline will be good for us! (*It better be!*) As we try to...

8 months ago • 2 min read

Happy August, Reader! 😊 I hope you are having a holy summer. I know that might sound weird to say but all in all I am beginning to think that "happiness" isn't the point. When we are striving for happiness we are basically forced to focus on how unhappy we are. I'm beginning to think that, instead, the most important thing we can do is pray for enough patience, perseverance, and trust to discover purpose and meaning in all the hard. As if to emphasize this realization, I came across a scrap...

10 months ago • 4 min read

Happy June, Reader ! I know last month I promised news about baby in this month's message but I decided to write this up before she came so I wouldn't forget. She decided to hold out on us past the due date but God's timing is always perfect and things are getting exciting. Maybe I will have to write a special midmonth update this month with actual baby news! But, a different baby did come this month! I know its odd to think of projects as babies but in a sense they totally are: a long...

12 months ago • 2 min read
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