

Advent Invitation

Published 6 months ago • 4 min read

Its that time of year again!

As promised, this is your official invite to this year's Advent Retreat, Reader.

If you are all in and don't even want to read the rest of this email, simply click the button below. (If this isn't your first retreat, you should be receiving a second email with a discount code within the next hour or so.)

If you need a little more information, read on!

If you didn't join us last year, then now is your opportunity to experience Advent on a whole new level.

If you DID join us last year, then now is your opportunity to go deeper, to press in further, to get that much closer. Maybe last year some of the resources didn't apply to you but now you are in a different season. Maybe this time the light will hit you just a little differently and that difference will make all the difference!

This retreat came to life 3 years ago now and I'll have you know that no matter how many times I revisit these topics, every time its new, fresh and challenging a different way. It can absolutely be the same for you.

This year's retreat has been given a slight facelift (ie. new audio recordings and improved video components) and gotten all the technological kinks ironed out (ie. email scheduling shouldn't cause any issues).

There are a few different options to choose from this year, so pick the one that is right for you.

Also, if you participated in last year's retreat and you would like to do it again (this time updated), you will be receiving a second email with a discounted price offer. If this is of interest to you, please, wait for that email to sign up. Last year there were lots of ideas thrown around about how we were going to do the repeat retreat options and this is the solution I've been able to come up with for now. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. I am so grateful for your support.

To join this year's retreat:


Following the Star - Advent Retreat

A 4-Week Video Podcast Email Retreat series with a Finale Bonus - Carrying Christmas into the New Year.
Also Includes:... Read more

If you would like an actual print book copy,

This would enable you to do the retreat on your own without signing up for any of the videos or other bonuses (ie. lockscreens, virtual encouragement/support). Not to mention, it is the perfect companion to the retreat containing all worksheets and writing prompts with journaling pages to contain your entire journey in one beautiful package.

*Note that books will be printed on demand so the lead time could be a factor. You will need to act fast in time for Advent if you want a print copy!



Following the Star - PDF Workbook Download

This is where you can purchase your e-copy of the Advent Retreat Workbook.
** PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to do the email... Read more

*You can read the PDF version on any device, print at home, or take to any print shop to have them print it for you (ie. Staples, Office Max, Mom&Pop shops...)

If you still aren't sure and you want more information:

The theme of this Retreat is Spiritual Vibrancy. The idea is to learn to see and follow the light of the Star so as to get so close to the Source of light Himself that we can't help but catch fire.


Even if you've already chosen a devotional, this Retreat is only going provide a framework for that, not attempt to compete with it.

A retreat simply encourages you to step back from all the crazy for a time to reconnect with meaning and purpose, and the purpose of this season is light.

What came to be through him was life,
and this life was the light of the human race;
the light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:4-5

You are being invited on a journey. To imitate the wise men and actually take steps to see and follow a star. To understand what it means to be beckoned by it and to arrive at your destination.

So gather your family, friends, bible study or faith community and share this opportunity with them so that you can embark on this journey together. Simply forward this email to invite others to participate alongside you.

What exactly to expect:

You will receive a 5 week email series (emails coming every Saturday) complete with a video reflection series, workbook pages and note sheets, "Going Deeper" Optional Resources, and other little surprises along the way.

The Week Schedule is as follows:

  • Week 1 - Light Pollution
    • Where we talk about practical ways to live Advent "differently" - and how that helps us to see the Star (in order to follow it)
  • Week 2 - Adjusting our Eyes to the Dark
    • Where we talk about other, natural things that blot out the light of the Star and what to do about them - so we have a clear path and overcome our "fear of the dark"
  • Week 3 - Setting Out
    • MOST POPULAR WEEK - Where we take the 5 Love Languages and talk about how they build on each other like levels of intimacy, how God loves us in each one and practical ways to love Him back.
  • Week 4 - Arrival
    • Where we talk about how to know we have "Arrived", How to know what God is looking for from us in terms of a gift, how to offer our gift, and a tangible experience of Him being born into our hearts.
  • Bonus Week - Carrying Christmas into the new year
    • Where we talk about how to let our Gift impact the New Year and how to allow Christmas to continue transforming us. Discussing New Year's Resolutions vs. Word of the Year traditions, the value and benefits, and how to choose the right one that is meaningful, impactful, and lasting.

Retreat Cost: $15

Hope to see you inside!!!!



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