

On Using Time & Making Progress (and Missing Links...)

Published 7 months ago • 2 min read

Happy October, Reader!

What a whirlwind!

I hate saying things like that because they are so cliché, but at the same time the days are flying so fast they are making my head spin. All I have to say is that when I am older I won't wonder what I did with my life. lol

These precious, fleeting moments with you are truly my favorite.

October Reflection

How are you using your time in this season? What kind of season are you in right now?

And speaking of seasons, What is your favorite season? Mine is definitely Fall... but maybe that's just because I live in Vermont. :)

Isn't it amazing how one simple reflection question - How are you using your time this season? - is plenty of fodder for a month's reflection?

A simple question can have huge ramifications if you simply give it enough time and space in your head.

  • How am I using my time? Why?
  • Am I intentional with my time? What priorities does my use of time reveal in my life?
  • Am I happy with this? Are there any areas I would like to improve? What would I rather prioritize that has heretofore only been but a dream, a wish, or a hope?
  • What can I do about it? How can I implement 1-3 new tiny habits this month that will make my reality match my ideal (at least more closely)?

The Happenings

This month I started the rosary reflections I told you I was going to do so I will be posting those as quickly as I can, so keep an eye out or Click Here to be notified.

I also finally, officially published the actual physical book version of my Advent Retreat.

I am just waiting on the proof copy in the mail now and will be able to offer something tangible for this year's running! Slow progress is nonetheless progress! (Keep that in mind if you feel like you are in a busy or overwhelming season ;) )

New Posts!!!

I wish there were more rhyme/reason from an outsider's perspective to the posts I managed to get up this month, but all I managed was what is currently on my heart. Here are the new links in case they speak to you:

Also, I don't know if this has happened to you, but I personally never got the August or September newsletters and my sister said she never saw them either. So just incase this happened to you as well and you want to catch up, here are the links to those 2 emails:

Praying that the sending flukes are over now because I truly don't know what to do when the technological side of my life decides to hit the fan.

Hope all is well.

Looking forward to hearing some of your responses to this month's reflections *wink, wink*.

Is anyone else realizing the critical importance of deep contemplation in the spiritual life?


Just me?



Maybe we should contemplate that too!

Love and Prayers Always,



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