

May, Motherhood, and the Importance of Musing...

Published about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Happy May, Reader!

Happy Weekend! Happy Easter! Happy Springtime! Happy all the things!

I hope you are doing well. I've been thinking of you and praying for you.

What does May mean to you?

In terms of Spiritual Growth, what theme naturally flows from the month of May?

For me it is motherhood...

How to live physical motherhood from a spiritual perspective, what spiritual motherhood looks like, and what it means to be called to that, and of course, the ultimate mother. Yes, you guessed it, Mary herself.

We are expecting again...

Did I tell you that already?

Yes, baby #7 will be here sometime in the next few weeks (I will have updates and pics in next month's email).

Motherhood always makes me very reflective. And the events of this pregnancy, whether everything is just fresher, or objectively more poignant, is no different.

It has forced me to contemplate, reflect once again on the beauty of womanhood, on the honor and the role of womanhood. On the critical value of strong women in our society that is sorely distorted and lost today. On how much God Himself prizes and values the "weaker sex". He chose for Himself a WOMAN to bear Him into this world, to raise Him and "train Him the way He should go", and to accompany Him for the entirety of His earthly life and death. He chose to make man DEPENDANT on woman, he chose to make her to bear the standard for the caliber of families, societies, nations, and cultures from the beginning of time.

Is it fair that He place so much 'weight" on our shoulders?

No, but since when has the cross ever been "fair"? This undeserved trust is also our greatest honor.

11 years ago, I prayed that my first child would be a girl because I wanted to share with her the great beauty, honor, and privilege of deep and authentic womanhood.... I just never realized that my prayer would result in 5 girls or that each and every time I would be blessed with the gift of motherhood, especially of my girls, I would enter more deeply into this realization and honor.

I never drempt this up... never wanted motherhood, and most certainly never planned to raise a whole cheerleading squad of girls.

But, the point is...

There are no mistakes, no coincidences.

Every single challenge has made me better. Every single hatefully difficult trial has taught me invaluable lessons. Every single daughter has made me appreciate my own womanhood, and motherhood, more deeply.

As the quote on my About Page says:

"The path to Himself is the one He lays at your feet" ~ Marchand

What does this have to do with you?

This month I'd like to invite you to practice a bit of musing. Seek some extra quiet and grab a journal. Allow yourself to look back and relive your most powerful moments.

What have been the pivotal instances of your own life that have had the potential to bring you closer to Him? What might He be trying to teach you right now?

Take some time like Mary to lay aside assumptions and frustrations, and "treasure all these things in your heart" (especially the things you've never understood or properly appreciated up to this point), look at your life, and see how He has been leading you to your potential, to what He created you for, and to Himself... Contemplate how He made you, what He's asking from you right now, the challenges and disappointments He has asked you to face, in the consolations and gifts He has blessed you with.

How well have you been cooperating with Him? Or has your path been more marked with resistance?

"If we spent less energy fighting Him, we would have more energy for the battles that matter" - ParticularlyCALLED

What's one way this month you can implement to grow stronger in your ability to recognize and correspond to His gifts?

Your May Gift

Womanhood and motherhood can be overwhelming. Sometimes its hard to appreciate the beauty of their potential if we get bogged down in the pain and the imperfections of it all. This month I simply want to share with you a piece of advice a mentor gave me just the other day.

When you are having a hard time, the only way out is SURRENDER and GRATITUDE.


Not exactly words we want to hear when we are in the throes of challenge, but it is true. As my friend Anne Voscamp always says, "When you most want to run away, lean in". That is where the love is, that is where the growth lies, that is where we find transformation, breakthroughs, and triumph.

So, let's lean in together this month, my friend.

Last but not least...

Here is an article that may help you go deeper into this theme this month.

Also, it isn't lost on me that May is also popularly "Mental Health Awareness Month". I have had some mental health posts in the works for a while. With my focus on the retreats recently and baby coming, I just haven't been able to get it all done, but here's hoping these 2 posts will also make it out this month.

  • The Critical Relationship between Motherhood and Mental Health
  • The Role of Mental Health in the Spiritual Life

You can keep an eye out for them by watching my latest posts, or by opting to get a notification every time a new post drops.

Your prayers are much appreciated, for a safe and healthy delivery as well as plenty of stamina to finish up all the remaining preparations (including all the things I want to finish here beforehand).

You can be assured of mine as well as always.

I pray that you find time for quiet musing like Mary this month and that in this quietude you discover deep joy in the promise of what you were made for.

Feel free to drop me a line sometime and share your story. I'd love to hear from you.

Til next time!


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